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Justin Bieber is in Stratford with Chaz Somers & Ryan Butler!

justinbeiber chazsomers ryanbutler stratford

Justin Bieber with Chaz Somers & Ryan Butler in Stratford

Wow Justin goes to so many places that it’s hard to keep up! Justin was spotted in Stratford hanging out Chaz Somers and Ryan Butler. Looks like they are outside JB’s grandparents house. It also looks like JB and Chaz is friends with JB afterall.

UPDATE: False alarm. This is an old pic taken last year. You can tell by Justin’s hair. I guess we still don’t know for sure whether JB is still friends with Chaz yet.

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  • Anonymous

    this was last summer, when he was also with selena. his hair isnt dark so it was before he dyed it 🙂

    • Kirstie

      Uh this is from a while ago… Get you’re shut together, like who ever ruins this site you have like no clue what your doing… I live in Ontario and about 30 minutes from Stratford….. It was freaking freezing today and a white out blizzard at times… They would not be in t shirts. Also before you post shit, look at his hair!

      • cray cray

        dude all she said it was from last summer, you dont need to go bitching at her for no reason at all

        • Kirstie

          I wasn’t talking to her dumbasss! I was talking to the jack brain that uploaded this….
          Stupid idiot

        • belieber

          why the hell did you reply to her you dumbass ?

  • Anonymous

    his hair isn’t dyed so this is from a while ago..

  • OMBitstheBiebs

    It’s also winter so there should be snow and they wouldn’t be in tee-shirts

  • mary

    unfortunately this is a old pic

  • Sierra

    Got my hopes up for nothing. This is an old picture of them. . . .

  • lauren

    uuuummmmmm is this an old picture because his hair is to light. he died his hair dark brown/black

  • Patricia

    I love Chaz, but wtf is he wearing? lmao

  • Sabrina

    I saw that picture a while ago. I hope Justin & Chaz are friends again but i don’t think this picture is NEW.

  • Anonymous

    to kirstie, the person who runs this site is actually really good.. everyone makes mistakes you dont need to go on a rant..

  • someone

    i had never seen that pic tho.
    he looks hot.

  • kate

    the pic cant be recent because look at justin’s hair, js ;p


    • You can barely even see his face how is that hot

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