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Justin Bieber has been getting drunk with The Wanted!

OMG. Busted!! The Wanted just revealed on camera that Justin has been getting drunk with them. Then they tried to backtrack what they said. lol. Shhhh… don’t tell Pattie.

This obviously wasn’t JB’s first time:

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  • Anonymous

    They said he’d been drinking, not that he’d been drunk!!!

    • Brittney

      You drink to GET drunk duh.

      • Anonymous

        Not always, just having a beer or 2 or having wine with dinner doesn’t mean your trying to get drunk!

        • Brittney

          Im old enough to actually drink. So im sure i would know. Every drink has a level of consistency. You can get tipsy off just one. So check your facts.

        • tht true!!!

      • Michelle

        I’m 24 so I’m old enough to drink too… And I don’t ALWAYS drink to get drunk… I can enjoy a single beer or a drink, but I don’t get drunk every time I drink.. So that was just stupid

        • Brittney

          Actually it wasnt stupid at all. Clearly you need to reread what i said then read what you wrote. #fail.

        • Anonymous

          You’re an idiot Brittney

      • Anonymous

        i love getting drunk it isw awsome

    • ije

      i love justin so f**** much ๐Ÿ˜€

  • Anonymous

    They were talking about Scooter haha. But maybe, doesn’t really matter, everyone at my school drinks

    • Anonymous

      Yes, they were talking about scooter, not Justin!!

  • Sarah

    Wow! Who cares?! He is 18 for crying out loud! If any other teenager did the same nobody would care. Leave Justin alone to be a normal teenager, and so what if he “gets drunk” with his girlfriend? It’s none of our buisness. Here’s a thought, let him live his own life and stop trying to control him!

    • Britt

      How was mentioning his gf needed?

    • Brett

      How was mentioning his gf needed? Us dudes will Get drunk weither a girl is around or not. He wont be with her ass for long. Not with all the ass and fine girls in hollywood. Just wait. From a guys point of few. Trust me ladies.


      u are amaizing… thanx for understanding….
      but we dont want anything bad to happen with him… ๐Ÿ™‚ xx

      • Kat

        Its drinking get over it yall need to sop squishing him into a bubble “we dot want nothing to happen to him” wtf calm down.

    • Justin

      U are so rite…

    • Justin

      U are like so… F**king rite

  • Patricia

    Hahaha Justin drunk xd I want to see that! He needs to come to Quebec ! (L)

    • shalynkelila

      Fick justin!!! his just like us but he Drinks like What the hell!!!! Just have fun and be safe!!!! =)

  • Kedbieber

    So wat if he get drunks???All he is doing is living young,wild and free!!!Peace!!

  • shalynkelila

    Shh!! about Justin!!! Just let him be what he want to be!!! He a human like you other humans out!!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • vicki

    Get over it anyway, he is almost an adult, if he wants to get drunk then let him, it’s called growing up




    FOLLOW ME @Jsmirnova_s
    thanx guys I LOVE U ALL!!!

  • laylalee

    i do not think that justin bieber does not
    drink if he did i would like him:-)


  • myworldbelieber

    GUYS!!!!!!!!! chill out!!!!!!!! In England the drinking age is lower and its 18 I believe.He has been drinking with the wanted but not drunk. I know they tried to make him but he doesn’t want to. CHILL OUT

  • gerbana

    who says he cant have a little fun.huh im drinkin a beer rite now. whatcha say 2 dat

  • deny


  • Anonymous

    If you stop dranking now you can save your longes. You have to stop dranking you can kill you from dranking Justin.

  • Justin

    People u might not want anything to happen to him but cut him some slake…
    Some people drink its fine it’s their life now let them live it

  • Yseina

    I”l never have herd justin bieber drinking that sonds werd but I have herd seleana gomez drinking:) hope nothing happens to him#1 ;)>>>333

  • dryver rowell

    justin bieber is stupid because he drinks

  • mercedes

    getting drunk is fun even on your b-day

  • mercedes

    i love justin bieber and my sister snooki loves him to

  • mercedes

    i love drinking cause u get drunk i love egger

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