OH HELLO! lol. Aww I’m so jelly. Katy Perry gets all the luck! 😉
UDPATE: Here’s a better pic so you can see how smooth Katy really is. Learn from the best!! 😉

UDPATE: Here’s a better pic so you can see how smooth Katy really is. Learn from the best!! 😉
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katy perry is so lucky man im jelous too but i still love katy too
so do i girl
ya kk i want to see some butts
I wish I could bang that ass to
bitch ass
Why do you want to do that
Why do you want to touch justin bieber’s butt
Ftfyfrtfyhutuhurhbyudrtfhbugyrtuiohoirdrihyuferhjhyudgyyertugrefbhutffhjhhjrtfyuhuigytfhjbhjgyufrtufuhhfvdshvgdyuvgfeygvdeyukgcdeyucgdeycgdeiucydeiucdeiucdyeicdheuicheduchdeucyeduicefuihcefuivgfeiucgefyivgfeyouvgfeyuvgfeyuvgefyuvefuyvgefuycfeuycgfuyecfeucgyfeyugvfeuygvfeyuggvufyevgfeuyvgyufevgyfurvgfeyugvfeuyvfevjkfejvklwkedhchygddcgyduecgyuedcgeukdcgyufvguyfevhufeirecuhvuifevhuweuidfvguedyugrfuidcwdhidggcwhducgwdhcgywdcgeduhcgeduhgdegycedhchudechicdueidhcuideuchicueydhufrhugrecuiysiwkefvufuhduufidfyyfuwryuwiefywruvyuewfuefuiyrvuideyvuieueriuvfevreuvywhrrhcgedjccbchudcguedgcfehucgfrhugcyfuycfyycfyuchechgjfejhcgrfhjchfruhh dfhu hrfui hdcui hdvui hreuilvureivuiefvyTftgiujkojkojiojreiucrhhdwoxjeruryuiryt
hahha i saw it yesterday and i was like “WHAT”?! stay toned at nbc tonight at 8 to see part two!
justinbiber my big fan io cuts love
i love justin beiber he is sooo cute
I love u justin bieber
I love you Justin Drew Bieber! <3 <3 <3 <3
my kami;iasath big my io cuts soing
i am going to try dhat when i meet him BUT IM GOING TO TRY IT WITH HIS _____ IF YOU BELIEBERS KNOW WAT I MEAN
With his.. Jerry 😉
At first I didnt know jerry not I love him…it..whatevs
yh yh do u mean his JERRY??? well that is what i would do 😉 ha ha
I would do the same.. Like oops.. My hand slipped, since it’s already there I’m just gonna do a nice squeeze okay? 😉
i would do the same haha lol i love justin bieber and i wish right now i wish i was katy perrys hand who agrees?lol
ohhh yh me too if i met JB i would squeeze his but or something… 🙂 ahhhh!!! i just cant wait for that moment 😉
Yeah ummm……..might wanna back off and think ant it ………it aint Gunna happen in your life he’s mine biatch
what she did is bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i thought it was smooth and nice but i would go to jerry too lol
i love justin bieber and katy perry but dont you giris out there wish that was u touching his but
i cant wait to see part 2 but i have a softball game does it come on again
what time dose the secont won come on and what day
I barely saw it and wat unbelievable wat is selena gomez going to say really katy perry I love u but with all do respect wat were u thinking!!!!!
That is so sick lick why would she do that she is way older then he is so why would she grabe his ass because she likes him problably that is gross and she is just making other Peaple jelise!!!!!!!!
Ya I know it is sick and gross stupid peapl these days being asses and stuff like that !!!!!!
ooooooooooooooooooooh kety perry love justin bieber
this i don’t know
i dont like kety perry
i hate kety perry
i love justin bieber
i like justin bieber
Aww 😉 OMG!!
katy you bad bad girl
but justin is loving it lol
And I think it is just so funny like why would she do that
heyyy belibers
that is sooooooo not fair katy perry is sooooo lucky i wish i was her!!!!!!!!!!
im soooooooooooooo jeolous
Bad Katy.Gooooooood Justin!!!!!
I bet all of us beliebers would love to touch something… but i would go for the JERRY 😉 ha ha loool i bet hes loving it,,,, and by the ways hes 18 now so he would loooveee it 😉 ALWAYS A BELIEBER <3
hey selena gomez look katy perry gets your husbands butttt.its a cat fight now
if only i can do the big bang with james maslow(not justin bieber)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!