Websites like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are huge on the internet and Justin is no stranger to such social media websites. He’s currently the most followed person on Instagram and second on Twitter. As I can remember it, Justin was the first real big celebrity to embrace Instagram and his promotion of it made Instagram an instant success.
- Justin Bieber posts his first pic on Instagram, usage explodes (July 21, 2011)
So it’s no surprise that he has teamed up with a new social media network that’s about to launch.
According to Fortune, Justin has invested $1.1 million in a new social network called Shots of Me, created by the company RockLive. CEO John Shahidi said that JB tested the company’s mobile games and provided feedback, but that Shots of Me really grabbed his attention, especially after he was told that Shots of Me will be a social media network made especially for teens. Good timing because it’s been reported that teens are using Facebook less nowadays.
Maybe his friendship with Floyd Mayweather might have something to do with his new investment as Mayweather is also an investor in the company. But Mayweather would not have the influence that someone like Justin would on a site like this so it would be a win-win situation for both the company and Justin.
Hey if Instagram could sell for $1 billion dollars (to Facebook) in just a couple of years of business then maybe an investment in Shots of Me isn’t such a bad idea for JB after all.