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Justin Bieber kicks off his sold-out headlining tour “My World” on June 23, in Hartford, CT. Catch the Bieber fever with these fun facts about the tour!


– 10, 000 fries are consumed in one day.
– 75 Starbucks drinks are consumed in one day.
– Pre-show snack favorites include Sour Patch Kids and Gummy Worms.
– Dancers burn over 6,000 calories a show, EACH!


– 30 miles of cable are used in the show.
– 30 towels are used onstage for each show.
– 20 rolls of electrical tape are used in a day (1,110 yards of tape or 3,330 feet).
– 48,600 feet of gaffer’s tape will be used for the tour.
– 9 trucks are used to carry all equipment.
– 11 buses are used for all personnel.
– 32 tons/64,000 pounds of equipment are on the set.
– Over 500 cases are used for equipment.


– 75 hats are brought on tour by the dancers alone.
– Each dancer has their own hat case.

Stage Props

– 1 million pieces of confetti are used for each show.
– 10 disco balls fit in the “My World” globe.
– The metal heart prop weighs over 400 pounds.
– Highest in-air stunts are performed at 30 feet off the ground.


– 20 guitars will be used for the tour.
– 2-3,000 custom guitar picks will be used for the tour.
– 120 strings are used per week to restring the guitars.
– 15 drums are on stage each show.
– 14 sticks a week are used by drummer.


– On-Tour Video Game Favorites include the XBOX360 console and games include “Call of Duty-Modern Warfare,” “NBA2K10,” and “Madden.”


4 New Justin Bieber Facts You Probably Didn't Know

1. Justin was always a bright student and can fix a Rubik cube in less than 2 minutes.

2. The violin is the fifth instrument Justin wants to learn.

3. His first kiss was at a school dance (at 13).

4. Justin promised himself that his wedding day will be on February 14, Valentine’s day.

Anyone knew these already?


Here are 30 things we learned about Justin Bieber in the 30-minute “Diary of Justin Bieber” special on MTV. It chronicles his time in France, including a possible broken arm from some pushy French fans.

  • Bieber loves French girls (but not because of their boobs).
  • Bieber is on a mission to thank all his fans who have made his incredible ride a reality.
  • Being only 16 years old, Bieb has to take time to do school every day.
  • His subjects are algebra, history, and biology, but he takes time to learn about places he travels to, like studying the Arc de Triomphe while in Paris.
  • J-Bieb likes to smell pizza. Like physically sniff a slice.
  • The spry little fella can hurdle a street pylon.
  • He doesn’t watch anything but R-rated movies.
  • Bieb can make a half-court basketball shot.
  • Kenny the security guard wakes Justin up in the morning.
  • Bieber sleeps in a white shirt and white shorts.
  • That awesome hair of his just gets blow-dried and then magically falls forward like that.
  • When jumping on a bed, Bieber actually looks like he is only 12 years of age.
  • Bieber actually knows some French. WE suspect it’s because he’s from Canada.
  • But he reveals that it’s also because it’s his grandparents’ first language, which is perhaps an extension of the being-from-Canada thing, but cool nonetheless.
  • Justin has a team of guys working around him who beat on him like a little brother.
  • Bieb can hold his own though, especially since he kicks his marketing manager Mike in the crotch (by accident).
  • Bieber’s mom Pattie looks like he’s 25 and a French radio host calls her a MILF.
  • Bieber can be a little punk just like any other teenager.  When he jokes that his tutor should get back in her cage and his mom tells him to apologize and he won’t.
  • Justin took the time to sing for the crowd outside his gig who couldn’t get in.
  • Bieb doesn’t respond well to Europe’s lack of air conditioning, but he soldiers on signing autographs in a crowded mall anyway.
  • There are so many crying girls, which befuddles both us and the Bieb.
  • If you push Justin Bieber around, he’ll stop signing autographs. But he will perform anyway because that’s how he rolls.
  • He prays before he performs.
  • The sea of camera phones and video cameras during a live concert are this generation’s lighters.
  • Bieber makes up for kicking his marketing manager Mike in the crotch by letting him come onstage and play the guitar. That seems like a good trade-off.
  • Bieb’s got some basketball moves, especially for a little guy.
  • Bieb’s best friend is Ryan from back home in Canada. Ryan is a little further on the road to puberty than Justin.
  • According to the security guys, Bieb says his fans are his “spinach.”
  • Bieb denies ever saying that.
  • He finishes by saying, “Not too long ago I was just posting videos on YouTube for my family and friends. This has been an incredible experience, an incredible journey. It’s weird to think that this is only the beginning.”

Check out this video of the bonus footage from Bieber’s “Diary” session:


75 Justin Bieber Facts You Should Know About

1. Named the hottest star of 2009 by J-14 Magazine
2. Named newcomer of the year by MuchMusic
3. Listed as one of the Top 10 YouTube stars of the decade
4. His middle name is Drew
5. Born March 1, 1994, he is 15 years old. He is a Pisces
6. Favorite Color is purple
7. He wears a lot of purple
8. Favorite food is spaghetti
9. Speaks fluent French
10. He’s claustrophobic
11. My World 2.0 is due to come out on March 23, 2010
12. Justin’s idol is Wayne Gretzky
13. Prefers Mac computers
14. Favorite number is 96
15. Has a crush is Beyonce
16. His favorite shoe brand is Supra
17. His 3 #1 hits are One Time, One Less Lonely Girl and now Baby
18. His favorite shows are So You Think You Can Dance and Smallville.
19. He is very close to his grandparents. He lived with them.
20. His super power wish is to fly
21. It only takes him 20 minutes to get ready in the morning
22. On his first date he spilled spaghetti on his date’s shirt
23. Has a 4.0 grade point average
24. His favorite vacation spot is the Bahamas
25. He’s a really good beat boxer
26. His favorite basketball team is Cleveland Cavaliers
27. His favorite song that he wrote is Down To Earth
28. He hates Ugg boots
29. His favorite song is So Sick by Ne-Yo
30. His dog’s name is Sam and is a boy Papillon.
31. His favorite soda is Sprite
32. He is homeschooled by a tutor
33. Likes vitamin water
34. Loves orange juice
35. Has a half sister named Jazmyn & half brother names Jaxon
36. He is a lefty
37. He can play trumpet, guitar, piano, and drums
38. He likes Captain Crunch with Berries
39. He can count to ten in German
40. Once asked out Rhianna and got rejected
41. His best friends are Ryan butler, Chaz Somers and, Christian Beadles
42. His shoe size is 7.5
43. His moms name is Pattie
44. Likes sour patch kids
45. He broke his foot on stage during a song
46. Was discovered on YouTube performing on stage
47. He grew up in Canada
48. Signed with Island Def Jam
49. Likes playing soccer and basketball and hockey
50. His favorite slang word is shawty
51. Likes tacos
52. Favorite pie is apple
53. Likes to skateboard
54. Friends with Usher
55. Loves Tim Horton’s
56. First CD came out November 17, 2009
57. Favorite ice cream flavor is cotton candy
58. His dads name is Jeremy
59. He is 5 foot 3
60. Nick names are J-Beebs, Bieber, and Beebs
61. Justin racked up over 10,000,000 views on YouTube
62. He was 13 when he got signed
63. Currently living in Atlanta, Georgia
64. Started drumming at age two
65. Originally Justin put his videos on YouTube for friends and family
66. Usher and Justin Timberlake both wanted to sign Justin. He chose Usher.
67. Recorded most of his album in Atlanta.
68. Justin’s dad plays guitar, and his mom sings.
69. “One Time” isn’t directed to a specific girl, it’s directed at all girls.
70. Said he would date a fan
71. Expect his album out Summer-Fall ‘09
72. His family travels with him.
73. Won 2nd Place in Canada’s Stratford Idol.
74. His Long Island mall appearance was cancelled when thousands showed
75. Sang Lionel Richie’s part in the remake of We Are The World


There’s one more fact I’d like to add to the list which I’m sure not many people knew…
76. Justin Bieber was born at 12:56am.
Jusitn Bieber wearing fake glasses

Some of you might wonder if Justin wears glasses or not as we have seen him during several outings where he sported spectacles, most recently on Feb 13 at the Nokia Plaza. Sometimes black. Sometimes white. Always thick.

This might lead to some confusion. And of course, knowing more true facts about Justin never hurt since we already know his shoe size, favorite color, favorite shows, favorite fruit….

Now you can add another fact to your memory bank. Justin does not need to wear glasses. He wears them purely for the look during appearances. (Hey, I’ve done the same thing. The only difference was that I didn’t make any appearances. lol )

Anyways, I think he looks rather cute with those glasses on. Should wear them more often.