To say that there was mayhem yesterday at Heathrow airport is an understatement. My only question is why did he only have one security guard there to protect him? No wonder he was whacking and bumping his way through the airport. And poor Mosh.

To say that there was mayhem yesterday at Heathrow airport is an understatement. My only question is why did he only have one security guard there to protect him? No wonder he was whacking and bumping his way through the airport. And poor Mosh.
Justin Bieber was welcomed at London’s Heathrow Airport today April 23, 2012 by a throng of fans. From the sounds of it it looks like it got pretty crazy…
As Justin tried calmly to pose for pictures with his fans, a lone security guard struggled to control the crowd, and Justin was eventually forced to break into a run in a bid to flee to safety. As he did so, a passer-by who was taking pictures of the mayhem accidently got into his way and Justin bumped right into him, sending the man’s camera smashing to the ground.
Wow. Airport was crazy getting to London! All worth it for my beliebers. Some people always tryna ruin it for the fans. Not today Swaggy
— Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) April 23, 2012
I love the top picture of someone petting his hair lol. More pics here.
Jelena is back in London now. The Daily Mail says that the reason why they went back is because Justin will be making an appearance on X-Factor UK. He’s also been acting rather strange since landing back in London. Hiding from the paparazzi behind anything he could find. Selena. His hoodie. And even a cereal bowl!
It’s thought that Justin Bieber will be a surprise guest on the X-Factor results show tomorrow night alongside already announced acts One Direction and Lady Gaga. Or he could be in London to pre-record his performance for next week.
Justin also acted strangely as he left the Radio 1 studios earlier in the day, leaving the building and heading to the car with what appeared to be a cereal bowl covering his face.
As he and Selena landed at Heathrow Airport in London, Bieber kept his head buried from photographers and fans. Walking through the airport, he kept his head hidden beneath a black hoodie and held onto the edge so it didn’t fall back onto his shoulders.