@justinbieber: It’s not your place to judge. God put these people in my life for a reason, and just because they are African American that makes them a bad influence?? These are the people that I love and all of us are going to help make the world a better place. ♛
Justin posted that earlier today on Instagram defending his friends from a fan who is worried that JB is hanging out with the wrong crowd.
The fan never said anything about African American people but we all, including Justin himself, realize that almost everyone he hangs out with now are black.
I’ve said it before and I probably will get some more hate for saying it again but personally I do think the people who he has hanging around him are a bad influence on him. They just happen to be black. Defending friends is good but Justin needs to remember he used to be close friends with Lil’Za and Lil’Twist too, like brothers, and look how that turned out. You can’t trust everybody.
Like the fan above I am worried about him too. Justin made a lot of mistakes in 2013. You don’t make that many mistakes if you have people around you who are looking out for you and your career. These friends of his don’t seem to care if he looks bad. Just saying.
What do you think of Justin’s new friends?
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I like what ever he likes and he has a point god did put those people in his life it has to be a reason god did this!GOD knows what he is doin!
1. God did not give you the friends you have.
2. Why on Earth would God give you friends who encourage you to do stupid shit all the time?
3. That person did not mention your friends race. You brought it up (although there ARE some people out there who thinks he’s heading down the wrong path because he hangs out with black men. It’s not their race that’s the problem, it’s their behavior).
4. His friends aren’t influencing him. He chose his friends and he’s choosing to act like an ass. These fans are so delusional. Stop thinking your faves are special snowflakes. They’re not. They’re all fucked up.
I am a TrueBieberBabe and have been one since June 2010. I support Justin, but I too am concerned that his friends are bad for him no matter the color of their skin. I, too am African American, but I don’t like his friends because of their behavior. I hope that Justin finds himself during his year off. We might discover a Justin after this year that we don’t really like anymore, but that will be his call. I wish him the best and hope that this life gives him all he wishes for. He might decide not to return to music until he is 25 years old, like Brittany Spears did and by then we will have moved on to another artist.
I love him so much and will really miss him. I cried when he said he was going to retire, but he can’t continue the way this year went. Whore houses and smoking weed in public. I hope the media will give him peace and not continue to chase him so he decide what he wants to do.
So true you can be friends with whomever you choose but you have to keep your guard up at all times because people regardless who they are & how well you think that you know them & love them they are usually the ones that do you more dirt and wrong than anyone else.
I agree with the person who wrote this completely!