OMG classic! Someone mashed a bunch of speeches of President Obama and came up with this funny cover of JB’s Boyfriend.
If that ain’t enough Obama also does some Carly too!
Obama love Canadians 🙂
OH HELLO! lol. Aww I’m so jelly. Katy Perry gets all the luck! 😉
UDPATE: Here’s a better pic so you can see how smooth Katy really is. Learn from the best!! 😉

You saw a taste of it in our “Ultimate Viral Video”, but now see uncut footage of Justin Bieber doing the “Double Dream Hands!” dance, move for move.
Dang this girl’s got guts and I say way to go! She ran right up to him and kisses and hugs him. This was yesterday (May 30, 2012) on the streets in Oslo, Norway.
Did you miss the kiss? Here it is in very slow mo. Would you do the same if you meet Justin? I’d be so scared to.