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justinbieber selenagomez 2011

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez – Perfect Two

I’m posting this nice video for you Jelena lovers and I’m also posting it to show that the reason I wrote the Jelena article wasn’t because I was simply jealous of Selena like I bet probably some of you might think. :p

Btw whoever made this video must be a JBShrine reader because I recognize a lot of our pics in the video.

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  • Mayeee

    I love this song what is it called and who sings it please?!!!

    • soamina

      auburn-perfect two

      • Mayeee

        Thankyou! <3

  • Patricia

    Im sorry but I can’t be happy for a fake relationship. Just because Im a belieber doesn’t mean I have to accept selena or like her. Its not that I don’t want him to have a girlfriend. I would be happy if he was with Taylor Swift, Miley, or even back with Caitlin. I just really hate selena and always have.

    • Justin's Favorite Girl

      stop hating on Selena just cuz she’s with Justin!

    • Aniestin

      patricia, even if you never liked selena u shouldnt be so negative about it, as long as justins happy just like try to be happy that hes dating, and wit the girl he loves <3

    • Jasmine

      Why do you hate her? Miley Cyrus is SO ugly, she’s a slut, and a wh*re!

  • Kirst

    aww so sweet x

    • Jasmine

      I know, right! They are so CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!! I love them both!

  • Tefi

    I hate this relatinship because it’s so fake !! I have always hated Selena and not just for being Justin’s girlfriend ! I think Justin is not happy with her !

    • iluvJustin:)

      Have you not noticed that he looks happy? That he is smilig and is having fun in these photos? I dont like Selena but we dont know her. Justin does obviously and apparently he likes her so lets be happy for Justin.
      Xoxo as always for Justin 🙂

      • sarah

        well have you noticed that some belibers are jelous

    • Aniestin

      if justins not happy with her then why doesnt he brake up wit her, tht doesnt make any sense. he loves her, she love him <3

  • Justin's Favorite Girl

    This is sooo sweet. It makes me like Jelena more and more.

  • tiffany

    i dont now why but i never liked her

  • Terri

    They really look cute together but I was close to having a seizure with how fast the pics were flipping hahahahaha!

  • Aniestin

    aww…so cute, i love justin and selena, jelena <3 foreva and eva <3

  • Aniestin

    wo, gotta put the pic where justins doing the middle finger..just kiddin haha

  • Judy El-Mohtadi

    I LOOVE ITTT they’re so adorablee togetherr. Jelena Forever <3

  • honestly i still kinda think its a publicity stunt but Justin really is happy 🙂
    we should all support something that maes him happy right?:)
    i just reeeeaaaaaaalllllllly hope he dosent get hurt<3

  • looks like it was publicity..huhuh..just sayin..

  • Seeems Me

    The majority of pics that I’ve seen, he’s always frowning when he’s with Selena. I for one, feel like i’m watching someone scrape their fingernails across a chalkboard and i’m having to listen to it when i see pics of Selena with or without Justin. I don’t care how nice she seems, she’s not. She’s cold and icy underneath it all and harsh with jagged edges. Later, she’s going to really hurt him. She’s sucking the psychic life out of him. He looks drained, underweight, overexcercised, and too pale for any 17 year old. You can really notice it, if you watch videos of him, from even a year ago.

  • Aniestin



  • omg justin needs to not date because he is making kids very sad!

  • mira

    aww , what a cute video .
    i love it <3
    they are the perfect two 🙂

  • annie

    haha this is my video!!!!! 70% of those pics r from justindrephotos.com and the rest r from tumblr

  • lilia gouveia

    hello justin bieber my love

  • i hate selena for justine beacause selena is too flirty to justin

  • son pls break up to selena she is ugly and so flirty